Harness Racing Victoria (HRV) Stewards remind licensees of the requirement to ensure that horses are presented to race or trial with freezebrands sufficiently clipped to be distinguishable for inspection purposes. Furthermore, a person presenting a horse to race or trial shall ensure that the correct horse is presented. Should Stewards be unable to determine the identity of a horse upon inspection of a microchip and or freezebrand, the horse is deemed to be ineligible and the responsible person may be subject to penalty.

The Australian Harness Racing Rules (AHRR) relevant to horse identification are as follows:


45.  (1)  A horse is ineligible to start in a race unless a steward or other person authorised by the Controlling Body is satisfied by physical inspection that the horse is the horse described in the registration certificate.

(2)   Where a steward or authorised person is satisfied in terms of sub-rule (1), but considers some amendment is required to the certificate, the steward or authorised person shall take delivery of the certificate from the holder and forward the same and explanatory report and recommendation to the Controlling Body.

(3)  Where a steward or authorised person is not satisfied in terms of sub-rule (1) the steward or authorised person shall prohibit the horse from racing and take possession of the certificate.

(4)  Where a steward or authorised person is satisfied in terms of sub-rule (1) the steward or authorised person shall sign the certificate in the space provided thereon.

(5) A person shall ensure that the correct horse is presented to start in a race.

(6) A person who fails to comply with this rule is guilty of an offence.


Contacts For HRV Stewards

HRV Stewards - Phone - 03 8378 0222

Scratchings / Driver Changes & Weekend Racing - Phone  03 8378 0291

HRV Stewards Outside Business Hours - Phone - 9214 0650

Integrity Hotline - Phone - 03 9214 0651 or Email - integrity@hrv.org.au

Integrity Matters - Email - integritymatters@hrv.org.au