It is imperative for the integrity of harness racing to have multiple avenues for participants, punters and concerned members of the community to report integrity issues and concerns at any time, while having confidence that the information they provide will be taken seriously, is treated confidentially and acted on accordingly.
How can I make a complaint or provide information?
If you wish to make a complaint or provide information regarding an integrity related issue you can contact the investigations team either by telephone (HRV Stewards 03 8378 0222) or the Integrity hotline (03 9214 0651). Please note the Integrity hotline (03 9214 0651) is a dedicated 24-hour recording service, if you wish to speak to a member of the investigations team telephone 03 8378 0288 and speak to the Investigation and Compliance Manager John O’Halloran.
You can also provide information by email ( or online via the ‘Report Suspicious Activity’ form on the Harness Racing Victoria website (link to Report Suspicious Activity).
Any complaint or information provided through the Integrity hotline (03 9214 0651) recording service, integrity email ( and ‘Report Suspicious Activity’ goes directly to the investigations team.
Can I remain anonymous?
Yes. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may provide the information directly to the Integrity hotline (03 9214 0651) recording service or via the ‘Report Suspicious Activity’ an online form on the Harness Racing Victoria website (link to Report Suspicious Activity).
What happens when I make a complaint or provide information to the Integrity Department?
The investigations team records all complaints and information into an Intelligence Case Management System, which allows complete management from receipt to outcome.
Once received and recorded, the complaint or information is assessed, and is either investigated by an Investigative Steward, overseen by the Manager, Investigations and Compliance or recorded for intelligence purposes to assist in identifying future and potential risks to the harness industry.
Are people providing information?
The overwhelming response to this question is yes, and fortunately we have people who have built trust with Integrity Department staff, and thus are providing information. Your information and your identity is protected and we need to ensure that harness racing continues to be a level playing field.
What information can be provided?
All information is important and can be broad ranging to include the following;
- People suspected of treating their horses on race day;
- Concerns regarding driving tactics;
- Suspected race fixing;
- Animal welfare concerns;
- Concerns regarding the correct location of horses when stabled;
It is prudent that information is reported by the Industry, so the Integrity Department can follow up on those concerns. It is all our responsibility to ensure a level playing field and all matters relating to horse welfare are thoroughly investigated. Horse welfare is highly regarded within the Harness Racing Industry and although proactive inspections are conducted we also rely on the information supplied through these networks to monitor welfare conditions.
Contact Details
Integrity email -
Report Suspicious Activity –
Integrity hotline - 03 9214 0651 (24 hour voice recording)