All licensees need to complete a new online training module this season, which canvasses key integrity information.

The scenario-based and interactive training module covers race fixing, drug administration and race day treatment, sexual harassment, animal welfare and deregistration.

Licensees will receive login details for the training module once their license application renewals have been received.

HRV encourages all participants to renew their licences online, with $20 off the normal licence fee for any trainer and driver who renews online before September 1 2020.

Licensees are reminded, in accordance with AHRR 91(1)a, a person shall not carry on an activity regulated by licence if that person is not the holder of a current licence.

To complete an online licence renewal, licensees must have a Harnessweb account. To sign up to Harnessweb all licensees must have an email address.

Licensees with an existing Harnessweb account will receive their licence renewals via email, while licensees without a Harnessweb account will receive their licence renewal via mail. Blank licence renewals will also be available for download off website.

Licence applications and renewals will start to be processed as of August 1 2020.

Should you have any queries in relation to licence applications or renewals, please refer to the website or call the Licencing Department on (03) 8378 0200.