A vital investigative and compliance measure of the Harness Racing Victoria (HRV) Integrity department is to regularly perform unannounced stable inspections. Whilst performing these inspections, it has become apparent that some licensed trainers have security gates installed which require access codes. Whilst we fully support steps taken by trainers to secure their stables, it is similarly important that we maintain unrestricted access to licensed premises to conduct unannounced stable inspections. Such access allows the Stewards to inspect stables without delay and gives the industry confidence that there is a level playing field for all harness racing participants.

After considering this issue, the HRV Integrity department require all licensed trainers with gates that are secured by an access code, to provide the registered training establishment’s gate access code by email to integrity@hrv.org.au.

Please note that under Australian Harness Racing Rule (AHRR) 238, licensees are obliged to comply with an order, direction or requirement of the Stewards. Should a person fail to comply with this requirement, further action will likely be pursued.

It is also important to note that the HRV Integrity department understand and appreciate the sensitivity of access codes. To protect the code(s) you provide, the code(s) will not be disclosed to any person other than a member of the HRV Integrity Department (or otherwise as required by law).


Should you have any queries or concerns with this requirement please contact the HRV Integrity Department on (03) 8378 0200.